The following guidelines have been established to ensure the safety of our students when blogging.
* Students will only be identified by their first name.
* Posts written by students are checked by Mrs Batham before they are published on the blog.
* Posts will not include personal details about students such as addresses and family information.
* All comments submitted have to be approved by Mrs Batham before they are included on the blog.
* All students must have parental permission to have their photo and work posted on the blog.
* Parents who leave comments are asked to use their first name only so as not to identify their child.
* All students must abide by the blogging rules we have established as a class.
(These guidelines are adapted from those used by 2KM & 2KJ @ Leopold Primary School)
This blogging project aims to promote responsible and thoughtful use of web technology amongst the students and raise their awareness of web etiquette and the need to protect personal information.
Students are explicitly taught about cybersafety issues such as the need to protect personal information. The Hector's World website and the Australian Government's Easy Guide to Socialising Online provide more resources for developing and promoting safe internet skills.
I appreciate your support in making this a safe and enjoyable learning experience for our students.